Tuesday, December 15, 2015


What each 9th grade ELA class will be working on the next 2 weeks of school:

Mrs. Tallman ELA: This week will will have a vocabulary and comprehension quiz on Tuesday on Swallowing Stones. Students will be finishing their book talk presentation and we will begin presenting book talks on Wednesday or Thursday. In the next few days we will be working on lessons 21-23 trying to wrap up Swallowing Stones before the break. Soon we will figure out what will happen to Michael! Then after break we will begin preparing our mock trial of Michael to see if he is truly guilty or not.

This is the rubric we will be using to prepare our book talks:

Mrs. Williams ELA: This week we will be wrapping up our letters to about Swallowing Stones or the student's independent reading books. We are taking a lot of time writing a rough draft, going over the expectations, and writing a final draft so make sure the students know this is important and will be graded as a test. We will also be working on lessons 22-24 trying to wrap up Swallowing Stones before the end of break. Then after break we will begin preparing our mock trial of Michael to see if he is truly guilty or not.

Notes: Interim Reports go in Wednesday, December 15th. During December break we have no school from the half day on 12/23-1/4.

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