Monday, December 7, 2015


English 9 Mrs. Williams & Ms. Wylie
Henninger High School
The Ramp-Up Literacy I course is structured as an integrated reading and writing workshop.  The one-year course is divided into three units.  The first unit explores literary fiction and nonfiction.  The second unit covers issues in social studies, and the third investigates concepts in science.  In each of these units, students read both narrative and non-narrative texts.  During the topic studies students use texts, acquire specialized vocabulary, and prepare and present reports on what they have learned.
*Unit 1:  Dilemmas of Youth
*Unit 2:  Migration Stories
*Unit 3:  Endangered Species
After School Help:  Everyday from 2:30-2:50.
Absences/Late Assignments:  To gain from the experience of our class, you must be present and ready to work.  If you are absent from class, make sure to provide me with a legal excuse form issued to you by our attendance office.  It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments, materials and notes that were missed after being absent, the day the student returns to school.  If absent on the day of assigned classwork or a quiz/test you will be required to make it up within 2 days.  Late assignments will be given an incomplete or a 0. 

Types of classroom activities:

v  Whole Group Instruction                                  Written Expression
v  Classroom Conversation                                   Oral Expression
v  Group work/Projects                                          Reading Comprehension
v  Independent Work                                              Listening Activities
v  Tests                                                                       Note Taking
v  Journaling                                                             Other(s)

Classroom Procedures:

I.                      Rules and Expectations:
·         Be on time to class.
·         Cell phones and music players are not to be seen or used during class.  (See agenda for policy)
·         Be prepared with proper materials (i.e.: English notebook, composition book, agenda, independent reading book, paper, pens, etc.) English class is for English work only unless permitted by teacher.
·         Be ready to learn and work.  (Look at the starter and daily agenda at the beginning of class everyday)
·         Stay awake in class. 
·         Be respectful of others, yourself, and the things around you.
·         Take responsibility for your learning and actions.
·         Dress according to the SCSD dress code. (See agenda for policy)
·         Stay in your seats until you are dismissed.
·         Passes will not be provided during class time.
II.                    Discipline Policy:
1)       Verbal Warning
2)       Brief Conference
3)       Removal from classroom and/or referral to an administrator.
4)       Refer to SCSD Policy Handbook for additional policies.
**On occasion, these policies and consequences may be altered depending on the behavior**
III.                   Grading:  Grades will be distributed each marking period based on a scale of 0 to 100.
The grading system is as follows:
·         Classwork:   35%
·         Tests/Essays:  40%
·         Homework:  10%

·         Presentations 15%

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