Monday, December 7, 2015


I am pleased to introduce myself as the 9th grade ESL teacher. I Co-teach ELA with Mrs. Tallman 1st period and co-teach with Mrs. Williams 5th period. During the 73 minutes students read silently and complete a summary of what they read daily which will be collected and graded weekly. Then in class we are reading a novel everyday called Swallowing Stones. Students learn key vocabulary words and write them down so they remember them. These words help with fluency and help students become Regents ready. After every 11 words students will have a quiz on the vocabulary. After reading we hold a class discussion with key discussion questions that help with comprehension. In class we also talk about the characters, plot, and setting. Students have at least one homework assignment a week which requires them to read for 30 minutes 4 nights a week and then write a 5 sentence summary of what they read. The homework will also be graded at the end of each week.
 With the way our program is set up the students stay with the same group of students all day long. Because the students are not exposed to native English speakers they must speak English in class as much as possible. I also strongly encourage students to practice the language they learn at school, at home with you.
 I look forward to watching all of my students grow and learn. You can watch their progress online at (eschool) where all of their grades will be posted in a timely manner. If you have any questions you may call the school at (315) 435-4343 and leave me a message.
Thank you!
Ms. Wylie

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